
Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Trump and Biden head to Ohio for first presidential TV debate – US politics live

* Trump reels from taxes bombshell as he gets set for crunch debate * Biden laughs off demand he take a drug test before debate * Breonna Taylor grand jury recordings release is agreed * 344 new Covid deaths and 37,234 new cases recorded yesterday * Sign up for Fight to Vote – our weekly US election newsletter 12.17pm BST Primary season may – finally – be over, but there’s actually A SPECIAL ELECTION GOING ON TODAY IN GEORGIA, as seven candidates are facing off to become the short-term successor to the late Rep. John Lewis. November’s general election will decide the full two-year congressional term, which begins in January, but in the meantime voters will get a temporary replacement. 12.00pm BST A quick snap from Reuters here about SECRETARY OF STATE MIKE POMPEO. He’s on a mini-tour to Europe which takes in visits to Greece, Italy, the Vatican and Croatia. He arrived in Greece yesterday. Grateful to meet with my team at @USConsulateThes and @USEmbassyAthens. Their contributions to this historic high point in U.S.-Greece relations is remarkable, and our engagement in energy, investment, and military cooperation has never been better. Deeply impressed by my visit to @NSA_SoudaBay. Thanks to the Mutual Defense Cooperation Agreement @NikosDendias and I signed last year, our military-to-military relationship has been enhanced significantly. The strong @NATO Alliance continues to contribute to regional security. Related: Mike Pompeo to criticise Vatican's renewal of China deal during visit Continue reading...