
Friday, September 18, 2020

Coronavirus live news: Iran in grip of 'third wave' of pandemic; Covid-related deaths in France on the rise

New infections in Iran pass more than 3,000 a day again; deaths in France related to Covid-19 trend upwards for first time since lockdown * Israel enters unpopular second Covid lockdown * Mutant virus: should we be worried that Sars-CoV-2 is changing ? * Canada unveils ‘swirl, gargle and spit’ test for school children * Lockdown measures and rising anger in Madrid * UK coronavirus updates – live 5.32pm BST Restrictions have been tightened in ATHENS by Greek authorities as coronavirus infections continue to surge. From Monday until 4 October, a maximum of nine people will be able to gather together outdoors, while up to 20 people can attend funerals, weddings and baptisms. 4.55pm BST Three quarters of people in CANADA would support another lockdown in the country if it was hit with a second wave of coronavirus epidemic, according to an Ipsos poll carried out for Global News. It found that 75% of respondents would approve quickly shutting down non-essential businesses, with 37% strongly supporting such a move. Three in four expected a second wave to occur in autumn. Continue reading...