
Sunday, August 9, 2020

The week in theatre: Fanny and Stella; The House That Slipped; Alice: A Virtual Theme Park – review

Garden theatre, London SE11; online Two singing, dancing Victorian cross-dressers give the kiss of life to London’s fringe theatre. And by Zoom to 2070 and Wonderland Here are some chinks in the dark. Billed as the first London fringe show since lockdown, FANNY AND STELLA is also the debut of the tiny Garden theatre, a bright courtyard attached to the Eagle pub in Kennington, south London. There is social distancing, of course, but not social layering: actors and audience are on the same level and in the same natural light. But what would the ancient Greeks have made of this: not the actors but the spectators in masks? There are adjustments to pre-Covid practice, and some are straightforward improvements. E-tickets, up till now a relative rarity, save panic and queues. It is calming to be guided in and out of the auditorium individually rather than stumbling and scrumming. When information about cast and production is easily available online (it should also be displayed in the foyer), it will soon become apparent that most paper programmes, which are not currently permitted, are ridiculously overpriced and inadequate. Continue reading...