
Sunday, August 30, 2020

Coronavirus live news: India reports record rise in infections; global cases pass 25m

India records world’s highest single day rise; Latest Johns Hopkins figures show 842,702 people have died; Jacinda Ardern thanks Aucklanders * World map: which countries have most cases? * See all our coronavirus coverage 4.14pm BST Hello, I’m taking over from Amy for the next few hours, as ever please don’t hesitate to share relevant tips and pointers with us, you can get me on Twitter @JedySays or via email. 4.02pm BST ALL PASSENGERS WHO WERE ON A FLIGHT FROM ZANTE IN GREECE TO CARDIFF IN WALES HAVE BEEN ASKED TO SELF-ISOLATE after some on board tested positive for Covid-19. Public Health Wales (PHW) said seven people on Tui flight 6215 on Tuesday have now tested positive for the virus. Cardiff and Vale Test Trace Protect and Public Health Wales have identified at least seven confirmed cases of COVID-19 from three different parties who were infectious on TUI Flight 6215 from Zante to Cardiff on 25 August. As a result, we are advising that all passengers on this flight are considered close contacts and must self-isolate. “These passengers will be contacted shortly, but meanwhile, they must self-isolate at home as they may become infectious, even without developing symptoms. Anyone with symptoms should book a test without delay. Continue reading...