
Sunday, August 16, 2020

Coronavirus live news: France set to announce new measures; Spain puts 1am limit on bars and restaurants

Paris and Marseille declared ‘red zones’; Spain takes new measures as infections soar; New Zealand adds 13 infections to total * Go hard, go early’ – now New Zealand goes back to the drawing board * Dog gone: Australia’s rescue pet shelters emptied by surge in demand during pandemic * Flu and Covid: winter could bring ‘double-barrel’ outbreak to US, experts say 2.43pm BST GREECE will only “flatten the curve” of a second coronavirus wave now gripping the country if diagnosed cases drop below 200 a day, a leading infectious disease expert has warned, Speaking to the Guardian on Sunday, Gkikas Magiorkinis, assistant professor of hygiene and epidemiology at Athens university said it was imperative infection rates were “kept below 200” for the pandemic to remain under control, following the fourth straight day where it passed that threshold. _The prediction is, if it is kept below 200 then the number needing to be intubated is manageable. If not, we will have to impose more measures especially in larger cities like Athens and Thessaloniki where half the Greek population lives and where we have larger densities of transmission.”_ If we can keep the number below 200 we can flatten the curve, if not, my concern is that eventually transmissions might reach the people who are most vulnerable in care homes and hospitals 1.50pm BST Italy has registered more than 500 new coronavirus cases in 24 hours for a third consecutive day, reaching record daily figures since May. Most of those who have tested positive have been returning from Croatia, Spain, Greece and Malta. According to the health ministry, Italy registered 629 new coronavirus cases on Saturday. We need to maintain the utmost caution in order to defend what we have achieved so far. People returning from these countries will now be subject to swabs. Continue reading...