
Thursday, July 2, 2020

UK coronavirus live: government to set out plans to get all children back to school

Education secretary to publish guidance for primary and secondary schools on how to deal with Covid-19 outbreaks * Oxford offers best hope of vaccine this year, MPs told * Leicester outbreak driven by under-19s and workers * Coronavirus – latest global updates * See all our coronavirus coverage 10.00am BST The Daily Mail has a good scoop. It says STANLEY JOHNSON, the prime minister’s father, has flown to his holiday home in Greece - despite current Foreign Office advice saying Britons should avoid “all but essential international travel”. Johnson had to fly via Bulgaria because Greece is not accepting direct flights from the UK, the Mail reports. I’m in Pelion on essential business trying to Covid-proof my property in view of the upcoming letting season. I need to set up distancing measures at the property because they’re taking it very seriously here. 9.43am BST Good morning. I’m Andrew Sparrow, taking over from Amelia Hill. ROBERT JENRICK, the communities secretary, has just announced that the government is giving an extra £500m to councils in England to help them deal with the coronavirus crisis. Councils are playing a huge part in supporting their communities during this pandemic. From supporting the most vulnerable and keeping vital services running to operating local track and trace, council workers have been at the forefront of this great national effort and are the unsung heroes of this pandemic. Today I am providing a further package of support that takes our support for councils during this pandemic to £4.3bn to help meet the immediate pressures councils are facing. Recognising the unprecedented impact the pandemic has had on councils’ income from car parks, museums and other cultural assets, the government is introducing a scheme to compensate them for these losses. This means that all relevant losses, over and above the first 5% of planned income from sales, fees and charges, will be compensated for at a rate of 75p in every pound. Continue reading...