
Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Coronavirus live news: US buys nearly all global remdesivir stocks as Brazil deaths near 60,000

Three asylum seekers at camp near US border test positive for coronavirus; UN asks for nearly $10bn in aid for Syria; Greece faces ‘huge difficulties’ when flights resume. Follow the latest updates * Fauci says new US coronavirus cases could hit 100,000 a day * US buys up world stock of key Covid-19 drug remdesivir * Jacinda Ardern decries ‘dangerous’ calls to reopen New Zealand borders * World map: which countries have the most cases and deaths? 1.12am BST Three asylum seekers have tested positive for coronavirus in a sprawling border encampment, marking the first cases in a settlement that advocates have long viewed as vulnerable amid the pandemic, Reuters reports. Since confirmed cases of coronavirus in Mexico began rising in March, advocates and government officials have worried about the potential for an outbreak in the Matamoros camp, where an estimated 2,000 migrants live in tents on the banks of the Rio Grande river. Related: Three asylum seekers at camp near US border test positive for coronavirus 1.04am BST _Here’s your weekly roundup of coronavirus news from the Pacific, with Dan McGarry in Port Vila and Tess Newton Cain:_ The total number of cases of Covid-19 infection listed by the World Health Organization for the region stands at 382, an increase of 22 since last week. Related: Coronavirus in the Pacific: weekly briefing Continue reading...