
Saturday, June 20, 2020

Coronavirus live news: Spain will not quarantine visitors from UK

Brazil passes 1 million infections; Australia struggles with new cases; Greta Thunberg says similar urgency needed for climate change as for Covid-19 * Spain will not quarantine UK visitors * Nearly 1,500 deaths in one day: UK ministers accused of downplaying Covid-19 peak * From celebration to dismay: the week coronavirus re-emerged in New Zealand 8.17pm BST The number of deaths in FRANCE from Covid-19 has risen by 19 from Friday to stand at 29,633, the health ministry said on Saturday. The number of confirmed coronavirus cases rose by 641 to 160,093. 7.55pm BST GREECE has announced another extension of the coronavirus lockdown on its migrant camps, hours after 2,000 people protested in central Athens to mark World Refugee Day and denounce the government’s treatment of migrants, according to Agence France-Presse. The migration ministry said confinement for residents of reception and identification centres across the country would be extended to 5 July. It was due to have ended on Monday. Continue reading...