
Friday, June 12, 2020

Coronavirus live news: prosecutors question Italian PM on decision not to lock down earlier

Deaths in Delhi could be twice as high as reported; German health minister warns nation against ‘carefree’ attitude * Trump campaign asks supporters to sign waiver ahead of rally * India’s coronavirus agony: ‘I did everything to save my wife and baby’ * WHO warns of accelerating Covid-19 infections in Africa * UK coronavirus updates – live * World map: which countries have the most cases and deaths? 4.20pm BST GREECE WILL NOT BE INITIALLY ACCEPTING PASSENGER FLIGHTS FROM BRITAIN as it reopens to tourism on Monday, the government said today. And all passengers from ITALY, SPAIN AND THE NETHERLANDS are to undergo tests upon arrival, the tourism and health ministers said as the country prepares for foreign visitors for the first time since the Covid-19 lockdown in March. 3.41pm BST JAPAN is aiming to launch a smartphone contact tracking app next week to curb the spread of coronavirus, the health ministry has said. Phones with the app installed can detect each other via Bluetooth and log those who have come into close contact. Continue reading...