
Monday, May 4, 2020

Does anyone really think the Wuhan virus didn’t start in Wuhan?

Source: - Monday, May 04, 2020 That one’s from China laughing at us. They have more than a billion people living worse than all but the most downtrodden in our societies. But the Government of China is a menace because they can pay anyone off since they have oodles of money and we have plenty in our societies that will sell us out. Open any paper or turn on the news and they are everywhere, although some may even do it for free. A million or two is quite a large amount in anyone’s life. To the Chinese government, a million or two is petty cash. Let’s look at the other side, starting wit h this: Greek ‘Borat’ Returns To Explain Phase 2 Of China’s World Domination Plot . Language alert. NSFW. More seriously, this is Sen Marco Rubio from a year ago. Plague or no plague, China is a totalitarian state that can be counted upon to lie to the full extent we see that same kind of lying by the American media. Media = Liars. The only issue is the American election in November. Daniel Andrews and the rest of the usual gang of idiots are just playing along. All Related