
Friday, May 1, 2020

10 tips for learning new skills successfully during lockdown, whether you're seeking a degree or just a way to pass the time

[woman coding, coder, software engineer]Popartic/Shutterstock * The coronavirus-induced lockdowns across much of the world are, in many ways, traumatic. * Despite the horrible reality, the new circumstances mean there is added incentive — and perhaps more time — to learn new skills. * Yet whether it's learning how to draw or how to code, the question of how to upskill successfully is tricky, especially where remote learning is involved. * Here are 10 tips for learning new skills successfully during lockdown. * Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories. It should be emphasized: Few people would prefer life under coronavirus lockdown to any alternatives. But if there is anything approaching a silver lining to all this, it's the increased incentive to learn new skills. "Whether it's learning a language that you've always wanted to learn, or delving into Ancient Greek history, keeping your mind and brain active by learning something new will really help cure potential boredom during lockdown," Chris Jones, the director of sales and marketing at the London-based adult-education company City Lit, told Business Insider.SEE THE REST OF THE STORY AT BUSINESS INSIDERNOW WATCH: How the Navy's largest hospital ship can help with the coronavirus SEE ALSO: * Texas is reopening its beaches this week, despite a rapidly rising death toll from COVID-19 * Trump-tied lobbyists storm Washington for COVID-19 relief funds, drawing comparisons to 'the swamp' Trump campaigned against * I used to write wedding vows for a living, but since COVID-19, I've pivoted my business to writing eulogies SEE ALSO: THE 15 CODING LANGUAGES WITH THE HIGHEST SALARIES, AND HOW TO LEARN THEM ONLINE AT NO COST