
Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Coronavirus live news: Singapore extends lockdown after sharp rise in cases

Donald Trump signals immigration ban; Oktoberfest cancelled; US oil market collapses into negative prices; global cases near 2.5 million * WHO warns few people have developed coronavirus antibodies * Pandemic causing some anti-vaxxers to waver * Milan announces scheme to reduce car use after pandemic * UK coronavirus updates - live * See all our coronavirus coverage 12.38pm BST Greek officials have signalled that they are preparing for the country’s lockdown to be reversed. The government’s spokesman, Stelios Petsas, has announced that as of 27 April the justice system will gradually return to normality with land registry offices and some courts opening “for specific procedures”. This will mark the first relaxation of restrictive measures since schools were closed in the western Peloponnese – which saw the country’s first outbreak of the coronavirus – on 4 March. 12.23pm BST Turkey’s Covid-19 outbreak has hit 90,981 cases, overtaking China to become the seventh most affected country in the world. While Ankara took early steps to limit international travel and closed schools and restaurants shortly after its first case was confirmed on 11 March, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has resisted calls for a total lockdown, insisting that the wheels of the economy “must keep turning”. Continue reading...