
Sunday, April 12, 2020

Coronavirus live news: Pope gives Easter mass by live stream as global death toll passes 110,000

Italy, India, Saudi Arabia, Puerto Rico extend lockdown; Britain pledges £200m to WHO; partner of Julian Assange calls for prison release * Spain eases lockdown as rate of coronavirus infections hits new low * WHO official says virus will ‘stalk human race’ * US coronavirus updates – live * Boris Johnson leaves hospital as he continues recovery from coronavirus 7.06pm BST Meanwhile in the UNITED STATES, President Trump is facing opposition to his keenness for a swift reopening of the economy. RICHARD LUSCOMBE, EDWARD HELMORE and MARTIN PENGELLY report: “Senior US public health officials have pushed back on Donald Trump’s eagerness to reopen the country quickly, as a senior World Health Organization (WHO) figure warned that Covid-19 ‘is going to be a virus that stalks the human race for quite a long to come’. Related: Trump advisers doubt swift reopening as WHO official says virus will 'stalk human race' 6.48pm BST GREECE has registered five fatalities in the past 24 hours, raising the total to 98, authorities say. AP reports that all the victims were men. The country now has a total of 2,114 confirmed cases of the virus, with 33 added since Saturday afternoon. Authorities remain concerned that people will flout the country’s strict quarantine measures during the Orthodox Easter next Sunday. The feast is usually a period of mass exodus to the countryside, and on Sunday, 38 people were stopped trying to leave cities and fined €300 each. Continue reading...