
Wednesday, March 4, 2020

NYC is bracing for the coronavirus impact by doing cleaning its subway systems daily. New Yorkers are asking why this isn't done normally.

[subway, commute, MTA]Courtney Verrill * New York state has two confirmed coronavirus cases, one of which is believed to be a case of community spread, meaning the patient didn't travel to China or knowingly interact with anyone who was infected.  * Many New York City commuters have raised concerns about the spread of the virus through its public transit system, which is used by an estimated 5.7 million on an average weekday.  * The MTA announced today that it would be taking precautionary measures against a possible coronavirus outbreak by doing a deep clean of its subway systems and public transit vehicles. * The MTA will sanitize its trains, cars, and buses and frequently used surfaces in its subway systems, like turnstiles and handrails, daily. * Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories. With two reported coronavirus cases in New York state, public institutions are bracing for a possible outbreak, particularly in New York City, which is the country's most densely populated city with over 27,000 people per square mile. New York's public transit system, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA), announced it would be doing a deep clean of all of its subway systems and public transit vehicles — and New Yorkers say it's about time. SEE THE REST OF THE STORY AT BUSINESS INSIDERNOW WATCH: Apple forever changed the biggest tech event of the year by not showing up SEE ALSO: * New York state has confirmed its first coronavirus case * Hungary and Greece are closing their borders to asylum seekers amid the coronavirus outbreak * What to buy for your home emergency kit if you're quarantined during the coronavirus outbreak