
Sunday, March 8, 2020

Detention, torture and killing… how the EU outsourced migration policy

Only a morally warped ideology can justify opening fire at those fleeing for their lives ‘But what else can we do?” So asked many people after a video emerged of Greek border guards attempting to capsize a small rubber dinghy full of migrants, and firing shots towards it. The incident occurred after Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan opened the borders in a cynical attempt to blackmail the European Union into supporting the Turkish military offensive in Syria. Many were shocked by the actions of the border guards. But many also insisted that it was a necessary response. EU leaders expressed their “solidarity” with Greece, describing it as Europe’s “shield”. In asking 'what else can we do?', we are really asking 'what else can we do except mass detention, torture and killing?' Continue reading...