
Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Why does anyone want to live to 100?

Ask me when I’m 99, but I really don’t understand the desire to go on and on. What is important is a good social life – whatever your age “Hope I die before I get old,” is clearly an old-fashioned sentiment. As I read about the possibilities of longevity, I also see the mounting care crisis among elderly people. On one hand, we are told of the sprightly inhabitants of Okinawa, the Greek island of Ikaria and Sardinia; on the other, we have falling life expectancy, especially for women in the most deprived parts of England. As ever, a social issue gets funnelled into individual advice about fasting, exercise and keeping your brain active. Follow the familiar instructions and you can live to 100. But why does anyone want to? Maybe ask me that when I am 99, but, for now, I really don’t get this idea of going on and on. I can’t for the life of me understand what on earth possesses Bernie Sanders to keep going. This is not a political point, but does he really want to be running the world in his 80s? Continue reading...