
Friday, February 21, 2020

My solution to the Parthenon marbles row: a museum for the 21st century

A travelling global exhibition of the world’s treasures would help combat rising populism, says the former US ambassador to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations As the era of Brexit arrives, Britain’s future is filled with uncertainties. Its leaders and people will need to shape a new national narrative following the country’s exit from the European Union. One way to do so would be to resolve its longstanding dispute with Greece over the Parthenon marbles. I propose it should join with Greece to create a 21st-century museum to which the marbles would be contributed. The museum wouldn’t be a building, but a series of travelling exhibits of artworks and inventions from around the world, organised by time period. It would underscore the reality that the world’s challenges can’t be tackled by any one country. And it would make the case that only by sharing ideas and adopting inclusive approaches will we succeed in addressing our borderless challenges. In essence, the museum would tell the story of our shared humanity. Continue reading...