
Wednesday, February 12, 2020

A new T. rex relative called the 'reaper of death' has been discovered in Canada

[Thanatotheristes_Credit JuliusCsotonyi] * Paleontologists have discovered the oldest known tyrannosaur species seen in North America. * The researchers describe the dinosaur in a new study — they named it Thanatotheristes degrootorum, which means "reaper of death" in Greek. * This predator lived 12 million years before the T. rex did, and was 10 feet shorter in length. * The finding reveals how T. rex's older relatives differed in their size and preferred prey.  * Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories. The oldest known member of the Tyrannosaur family stalked the plains of southern Alberta, Canada, about 80 million years ago. That's the finding of a new study identifying the previously unknown dinosaur. Although the fossils were discovered a decade ago, paleontologists only confirmed that it was a new species — and gave it a name — this week.SEE THE REST OF THE STORY AT BUSINESS INSIDERNOW WATCH: The T. Rex couldn’t actually sprint like it does in ‘Jurassic Park’ — but it was still a deadly creature SEE ALSO: * These photos of abandoned malls and golf courses reveal a new era for the American suburb * The best espresso machines * Here's the difference between a 'socialist' and a 'democratic socialist' SEE ALSO: THE 'JURASSIC PARK' SCIENCE ADVISOR SAYS A MORE ACCURATE T. REX COULD BE PINK AND FEATHERED. HERE'S WHAT THE FILMS GOT WRONG ABOUT THE DINOSAURS.