
Friday, July 19, 2019

From 'manholes' to 'maintenance holes': Berkeley votes to replace gender-specific words

[Pedestrians walk past a manhole cover for a sewer in Berkeley, Calif., Thursday, July 18, 2019. Soon students in Berkeley, California will have to pledge to ]Associated Press * Berkeley City Council members unanimously voted this week to replace gender-specific words in the city code with gender-neutral terms. * The San Francisco Bay Area city is known for its long history of progressive politics and "first of" ordinances. * City Council member Rigel Robinson said it was time to change a municipal code that makes it sound like "men are the only ones that exist in entire industries or that men are the only ones on city government." * Visit INSIDER's homepage for more stories. BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) — There will be no manholes in Berkeley, California. City workers will drop into "maintenance holes" instead. Nothing will be manmade in the liberal city but "human-made." And students at the University of California, Berkeley, will join "collegiate Greek system residences" rather than fraternities and sororities.SEE THE REST OF THE STORY AT BUSINESS INSIDERNOW WATCH: Nxivm leader Keith Raniere has been convicted. Here's what happened inside his sex-slave ring that recruited actresses and two billionaire heiresses. SEE ALSO: * 9 dead in Sweden after small plane carrying parachutists crashes after takeoff * New Mexico authorities are focusing on Jeffrey Epstein's Santa Fe ranch, which could also spark changes to state sex offender laws * Police say Greek man has been detained in relation to an American scientist's death