
Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Athens’ youngest mayor: I’m interested in real life, not utopias

Centrist Kostas Bakoyannis says his approach transcends divisions that have long defined Greece The mayor-elect of Athens says he doesn’t believe in grand projects, nor does he “do utopias”. What he prefers to focus on is “real life” – and seeing it by walking and talking with almost everyone he meets. It has paid off. After visiting 129 neighbourhoods across Athens since launching his campaign to become the capital’s youngest mayor, Kostas Bakoyannis, at 41, has been catapulted to the top office of City Hall with the widest margin of victory ever. With him comes a team of councillors that will be among the most politically diverse on record. Related: Tsipras faces fight to stay in power after EU elections mauling Related: Athens' buried rivers: stream favoured by Plato could see light of day Related: Denmark's centre-left set to win election with anti-immigration shift Continue reading...