
Thursday, May 9, 2019

Statement by Minister of Foreign Affairs Giorgos Katrougalos on the occasion of Europe Day (09 May 2019)

Today marks the 69th anniversary from the day that Robert Schuman made his historic speech, laying the cornerstone for the creation of Europe. In addition, this is the 74th anniversary of the great victory of peoples against fascism. Seventy-four years from the end of World War II in Europe, out of the rubble of which hope was born, a vision, as well as the urgent need for bringing together the peoples of Europe.The path opened back then by the great visionaries of the European idea, laid the foundations for solidarity and dialogue as the form of cooperation, led to the creation of the most successful model for peaceful co-existence among countries in the history of humanity: European unification. A process which contributed to the consolidation of Democracy, the rule of law, and the protection of personal freedoms and rights, as pillars of present-day European political culture.The European social model, a great historic acquis of ours, today finds itself in a state of existential crisis and doubt. Austerity policies undermine the advances of the past, and inequalities are becoming explosive in the interior, as well as among, countries. The very values of European Democracy are being challenged. This does not simply pertain to a difficult decade of protracted economic and financial crisis, a surge of refugee and migrant flows, terrorist threats. The lack of political legitimacy reflects deeper and structural social and democratic shortcomings of European integration.For this reason, the upcoming elections represent an existential challenge of historic dimensions for Europe. Two differing world views facing off for its future, as well as for the future of our societies. On the one hand, a Europe of open societies, rights, and freedoms; and on the other, an unusual pairing of liberalism and nationalism, which threatens to let our continent slip back to its dark past.On its part, Greece embodies and promotes the European Idea in its social and democratic dimension. The Prespa Agreement once again proved our country’s unwavering commitment to the European prospects of Southeast Europe, in order for our neighbourhood to become a region of peaceful cooperation and co-existence. For the peoples of the Balkans, the path towards Europe is a one-way street. It is the path towards stability, prosperous societies, and consolidation of democratic institutions.The European Elections can represent the beginning of a new trajectory. For a Europe of peoples, of the many, without inequalities in its interior, and without alienating its citizens for the benefit of reviving the nationalism that had such disastrous results for our continent during the 20th century; and able, indeed, to undertake its obligations and role on the world stage, collectively and effectively protecting its external borders, its 66 thousand kilometres of coastline, as well as the rights of its member-states in a volatile international environment. Europe can emerge even more empowered, both socially and democratically, with enhanced social rights, in order to become not just as an area of peace, but an area of prosperity for its peoples.