
Saturday, May 18, 2019

Processed foods make us fatter and are linked to a higher risk of cancer. Here’s what science suggests we should eat instead.

[quesadilla processed food]Shutterstock * EATING PROCESSED FOODS CAN LEAD TO WEIGHT GAIN AND IS LINKED TO HIGHER RATES OF CANCER AND EARLY DEATH. * BUT IT CAN BE DIFFICULT TO AVOID THESE ITEMS WHEN WE'RE BUSY OR LOOKING FOR SOMETHING CHEAP TO EAT. * RESEARCHERS AT THE NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH RECENTLY DEVELOPED UNPROCESSED MENUS TO FEED PATIENTS AT THEIR DIET RESEARCH CENTER. PEOPLE WHO ATE THESE MEALS LOST WEIGHT AND CONSUMED LESS.  * THOSE UNPROCESSED-FOOD MENUS INCLUDED SCRAMBLED EGGS WITH POTATOES MADE FROM SCRATCH, CHICKEN, FISH, BULGUR, GREEK YOGURT, NUTS, AND LOTS OF FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES. * VISIT BUSINESS INSIDER'S HOMEPAGE FOR MORE STORIES. Here's an experiment: Sit alone in a hospital room for two weeks and eat nothing but ultra-processed foods like hot dogs, muffins, canned ravioli, and chicken salad. You probably wouldn't love the results. SEE THE REST OF THE STORY AT BUSINESS INSIDERNOW WATCH: What processed meat really is — and why it could give you cancer SEE ALSO: * There's evidence for the first time that processed foods like muffins and quesadillas cause us to eat about 500 more calories every day * 800 hospitals are joining forces to make their own drugs and upend the generic pharma business. They just revealed the 2 treatments they plan to make first. * High-fat diets like keto are nearly impossible to maintain, research suggests — but there's an easier way to eat well SEE ALSO: THERE'S EVIDENCE FOR THE FIRST TIME THAT PROCESSED FOODS LIKE MUFFINS AND QUESADILLAS CAUSE US TO EAT ABOUT 500 MORE CALORIES EVERY DAY