
Friday, March 15, 2019

The beautifully simple method Archimedes used to find the first digits of pi

[Archimedes]Wikimedia Commons * March 14 is Pi Day in the US, as the date matches the first three digits of the famous number. * On Pi Day 2015, Google announced that a researcher had uncovered the first 31 trillion digits of pi, using a cloud-based computer algorithm. * Ancient mathematicians like the Greek Archimedes used clever geometry tricks to come up with earlier estimates of π. Happy Pi Day! It's March 14, or in American notation, 3/14, matching the first three digits of π.  One of the fundamental constants of mathematics, π, is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. SEE THE REST OF THE STORY AT BUSINESS INSIDERSEE ALSO: * The Senate votes to terminate Trump's national emergency in a stunning rebuke, and the president will have to use his first veto to get his border wall * A sleep expert explains what happens to your body and brain if you don't get enough sleep * 13 apps for your iPhone that are better than the ones Apple made SEE ALSO: THE PI DAY GOOGLE DOODLE WAS MADE BY THE INVENTOR OF THE CRONUT — HERE'S WHAT TO KNOW ABOUT THE DAY