
Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Statements by Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Terens Quick in the context of his participation in the Informal Meeting of EU Foreign Affairs Ministers on Diaspora Issues convened by the Romanian Presidency of the EU (Bucharest, 18 March 2019)

“It is very significant that the Romanian Presidency of the European Union included, for the first time in the annals of our European family, a Ministerial Conference on Diaspora issues.Moreover, Greece is a country that has powerful and respectable Diaspora Communities in numerous EU member states, such as Italy, Germany, France, Great Britain, Sweden, and of course Romania, without failing to mention the countries of Central Europe.Especially here in Romania, the presence of Greeks historically begins from the period of the Phanariotes, and played a significant role in the Greek Revolution of 1821 and, with the passing of time, today, for more than two decades, there is a bustle of activity with Greek enterprises that surpass 7,000 and contribute to Romania in terms of investment, and also with a return as regards the Motherland; the economy of these enterprises contributes also to the Greek economy.”The above statements were made by Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Terens Quick in Bucharest, in the context of his participation in the Informal Ministerial Meeting on Diaspora Issues convened by Natalia-Elena Intotero, Minister for Romanians Abroad, in the context of the Romanian EU Presidency. Prior to commencement of the proceedings of the Ministerial meeting, Mr. Quick had a bilateral meeting with his Counterpart, Presidential Commissioner Fotis Fotiou of the Republic of Cyprus and, subsequently, the two men had an unofficial trilateral meeting with Ms. Intotero, in order to look into issues where possibilities for collaboration exist on the part of the Diasporas of the three countries, on a European level, aiming towards a European Union as built and envisioned by its founders.