
Thursday, February 21, 2019

Greek Chairmanship of the Arolsen Archives: Presenting to Greece the International Centre on Nazi Persecution (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 27 February 2019)

On the occasion of assumption of the Chairmanship of the International Tracing Service (Arolsen Archives) for the current year, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is organising a conference to present the work of the International Centre on Nazi Persecution. The International Tracing Service, renamed this year as Arolsen Archives, maintains the most significant Archive of Nazi camp prisoners, with the mission to seek information related to the fate of the victims of Nazi atrocities on behalf of their families. The purpose of the conference, which will be held on 27 February at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Y. Kranidiotis Conference Hall, is to present the Arolsen Archives as well as the objectives and initiatives of the Greek Chairmanship to the Greek public. In this context, the exhibition “Stolen Memory” will be inaugurated in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. There will also be a presentation of the process of acquiring remote access to the digitized content of the archived files. Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Markos Bolaris will give the opening address to the conference, which will be conducted in English without interpreting services.