
Monday, December 17, 2018

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Terens Quick meets with the Qatar's State Minister for Foreign Affairs Soltan bin Saad Al-Muraikh (Doha, 16 December 2018)

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Terens Quick met in Doha with Qatar's State Minister for Foreign Affairs, Soltan bin Saad Al-Muraikhi. At the meeting, it was confirmed that Qatar will be sending a team of experts to Athens to examine the investment opportunities that Greece offers. The two Ministers discussed both bilateral and regional issues, with particular reference on the part of Qatar to the crisis in the Gulf and its cooperation with Turkey. The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, reiterating the geopolitical importance of the region in which Greece is located, and making also reference to its “restless neighbour,” promoted, on his part, Greece's leading stabilising role in the wider area of the Eastern Mediterranean, the Middle East, and the Gulf region. He highlighted the country’s importance with regard to issues related to international stability and peace. “My country’s foreign policy, during the years that Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has been in power, is an open book. We don’t conduct diplomacy under the table. Everyone knows with whom we are speaking and what we are doing. This creates proper and productive relations based on trust,” Mr. Quick added. Finally, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs stressed Greece’s capabilities to the Qatari State Minister for Foreign Affairs, having overcome the economic crisis, of constituting a highly interesting area in the field of enterprise and the prospects for investment and further growth of commercial and cultural relations. For his part, Qatar's State Minister for Foreign Affairs noted that, due to his personal experience in our country as the former Qatari Ambassador in Athens, confirmed their positive assessment, and he referred to the recent decision of Qatar's investment authority to proceed with sending experts to Greece for a substantive and in-depth discussion of the investment opportunities that Greece offers. In this context, he mentioned that, Qatar had been interested also in the past in being a serious investor in Greece, but it is now deemed that all conditions have been fulfilled for investment activity to be carried out in Greece.