
Thursday, November 22, 2018

Review - Assassin’s Creed Odyssey

Source: - Wednesday, November 21, 2018 Assassin’s Creed We sit down and review Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. The next in the long-running franchise that takes us to Ancient Greece. Here is our review of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey It has been a long time and we have finally hit an era I have been hoping for with Assassin’s Creed Odyssey , as we have gone back to Ancient Greece to see how it fits into the grander scheme of the franchise. It has been the location and era I have been selecting for years now when Ubisoft has placed out their surveys looking for ideas. It just seems right for the Assassin’s Creed universe to me and now we are heading there. We are also poised the question on if it is what we have been looking for and waiting for over the years. There have been even more shifts in gameplay and style and now it is time to dig in with our review on just how it all shaped up to be. Story Things kick off with Kassandra or Alexios (whichever you choose) going about their normal business and doing their mercenary thing when they learn a few deeper things about their past than they truly knew before. It is how these things usually go. Especially as they are stated to be the chosen one and thus inherit the Spear of Leonidas to use as they need to. This turns to a darker path that leads them to kill in the name of whichever side they chose but still aiming for the Cult of Kosmos. From there the adventure is theirs leading to the inevitable modern age crossover we have gro All Related