
Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Markos Bolaris meets with Czech Ambassador Jan Bondy (Athens, 20 November 2018)

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Markos Bolaris received today the Czech Ambassador, Mr Jan Bondy, who briefed him on his country’s Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Lukáš Kaucký’s upcoming visit to Greece (26-17/11) on the occasion of the 100 year anniversary of diplomatic relations between Greece and Czechoslovakia. The Ambassador extended an invitation to the Deputy Minister to an event marking the commencement of operations of the Cultural Centre of the Czech Embassy in Athens, where the Czech Deputy Minister will be present, and which will include an exhibition on the activity of Greeks in Moravia in the 19th century. The prospects of carrying out investments in the tourism sector on the part of the Czech Republic were further discussed, especially in mainland Greece. The good level of collaboration was confirmed in the fields of education, the inflow of tourists to our country, and the increase in interest on the part of Czech businessmen to invest in Greece.