
Thursday, November 1, 2018

Dancila: Joint government sitting of Romania and Israel to be rescheduled

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila said that the joint sitting of the Romanian and Israeli governments, that was supposed to take place at the beginning of November, will be rescheduled, adding that she will have a discussion, on Friday, in Varna, with counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu. “This sitting was postponed not because of us, I understand that there were some problems in Israel. We will reschedule this meeting. I think that during the discussions I will have tomorrow (Friday – ed. n) with Mr. Benjamim Netanyahu, we will schedule the joint government sitting as well,” Viorica Dancila said on Thursday, after visiting the INDAGRA fair. The day before, Prime Minister Viorica Dancila announced that she will take part, on Friday, in Varna, Bulgaria in a new Romania – Bulgaria – Greece – Serbia high level reunion, at the working lunch of which the Prime Minister of the State of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu being also invited. In August, the Israeli embassy in Bucharest announced that a joint sitting of the Israeli and Romanian governments will take place at the beginning of November, in Bucharest, the Israeli delegation being to be headed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.