
Sunday, September 16, 2018

Ministry of Foreign Affairs announcement on 19th anniversary of the passing of Giannos Kranidiotis

Today, nineteen years after the tragic loss of Giannos Kranidiotis, we honour the memory of a distinguished diplomat, politician, and academic. A beloved politician whose contribution and work were of critical importance to the Greek people. The legacy of the late Giannos remains alive even today. A leading proponent for forging Cyprus’ European perspective, with his initiatives as well as his methodical and tireless efforts, he sealed the Republic of Cyprus’ accession to the European Union. At the present critical junction for the Cyprus issue, faithful to Giannos Kranidiotis’ vision for a reunited Cyprus, we remain committed to the need for reaching a just and viable solution on the basis of the UN resolutions. A decision that will free Cyprus of occupying forces and “rights” of intervention.