
Tuesday, August 14, 2018

The fallout from Turkey’s crisis will cause damage far beyond its borders

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s hubris has destablised a nation of pivotal regional importance Hubris begets nemesis, as the ancient Greeks opined. It’s a life lesson Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Turkey’s arrogant leader, appears unable to absorb as his country teeters over an abyss of his making. Erdoğan argued in June’s elections that an all-powerful executive presidency was the best way to govern – and he was the best man for the job. His wish was granted. Now Turkey is in crisis. The fall from grace – this shattering of the omnipotent strongman-sun king image – has come more quickly than anybody imagined. And since Erdoğan is in sole charge these days, he will be hard put to avoid sole blame. Related: 'We can just pray to God': Turks struggle as lira crisis bites Continue reading...