
Friday, August 3, 2018

Ministry of Foreign Affairs announcement on statements from the spokesperson of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Today’s statements from the spokesperson of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs are a characteristic example of disrespect for a third country and a lack of understanding of today’s world, in which states, regardless of their size, are independent and can exercise an independent, multidimensional and democratic foreign policy.Moreover, it was negative thinking of this kind that prompted the four Russian citizens to proceed to actions that led to their expulsion from, or prohibition from entering, Greece. The evidence based on which Greece acted was presented to the Russian authorities in a timely manner. In any case, the Russian authorities themselves are very well aware of what their people do.From the outset, Greece attempted to keep the actions of these persons separate from official Russian foreign policy. But in today’s statement, the spokesperson of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs embraces and seems to want to legitimise these illegal actions.The constant disrespect for Greece must stop. No one can or has the right to interfere in Greece’s domestic affairs. Finally, unsubstantiated claims to the effect that this decision was taken following pressure from third parties are unworthy of comment and indicate a mindset of people who do not understand the principles and values of Greek foreign policy.