
Sunday, July 29, 2018

Men, stop boasting. Sex is much more than just a numbers game

Bedding innumerable women doesn’t mean a man is a great lover, so stop telling fibs to pollsters Why does having very many sexual partners mark men out as great in bed? Researchers from Glasgow University analysed the responses of 15,000 British men and women to a sex habits survey. Put simplistically, and allowing for exceptions, it seems that women are still inclined to go low when counting sexual partners, while men are more likely to go high. Which should shock precisely no one. Presumably, women who go low are aware of how promiscuous females are routinely judged more harshly than their male counterparts. Double standards aside, men are more likely to boast about high, sometimes very high, numbers of sexual partners. On _Love Island_, young men claiming to have big numbers (sometimes hundreds) of partners were treated like Greek gods, with barely any comment or even a suspicious question or two. (Such as: “How come you all have numbers that neatly end in a nought?”) It still seems accepted that the higher the number, the more successful, desirable and alpha a lover a man must be. But does that actually make sense? Continue reading...