
Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Alun Sperring’s recipe for Tamil mussels rasam

A hearty broth, perfect for summer eating accompanied by lentil doughnuts Rasam is a fiery broth from Tamil Nadu, south India. It is typical of the region in its in-your-face heat – that’s what I love. This dish brings back memories of eating it at the height of the Indian summer; it had such a wonderful cooling effect as the fans blew and the sweat dripped off the brow. As you add the mustard and fenugreek seeds to the hot coconut oil, they start to crackle. Add the curry leaves and they splutter; the kitchen will be filled with a cloud of earthy aromas. The key is to finish the rasam first, check that all the seasoning is spot-on, then add your mussels to the boiling broth. We serve this at the restaurant with dal vada – savoury lentil doughnuts. _Serves: 4 __Prep time: 15 mins __Cooking time: 10 mins_ Continue reading...