
Monday, June 18, 2018

PM Borisov Proposes Closing all Borders in the EU

Prime Minister Boyko Borisov proposes the closure of all borders in the European Union (EU) in order to stop the flow of illegal migrants. His suggestion was made at the Plenary Meeting of the Conference of European Affairs Committees of the EU Parliaments.   "Bulgaria has managed without much talk, without much complaining, we have created a reliable guard on the Bulgarian-Turkish border - with the necessary enclosures, additional police, ships and for a year and a half Bulgaria has a new situation. On the map you can see that our border, which is guarded, is as much as the Greek one, so I propose a compromise that I will defend at the European Council - first of all we offer immediate prevention and it includes closing all borders in the EU, "Borisov said. "Officially, anyone wishing to enter the EU has to go to checkpoints (inspection posts) - see the prints, make inspection and so on. This is no different than what is happening in the US, Canada. Why Europe is not like that? "That is a big mistake," the prime minister said.   "Countries should be divided within Europe. The countries that are part of EU's border like Bulgaria need to be assisted and get help from the rest, and everything to go through checkpoints.  If someone does not meet the requirements they should return from where they came, Borisov explained, so the first word is called prevention - immediately stopping the flow and from there following the rules, "the prime minister said. According to him, Bulgaria guaranteed 100% of our part of the EU's external border. If they are not caught within the EU, disciplined and aided, they can become a source for extremism, Borisov said. If there is no help for the Western Balkans right now, it will be very late, he said. "The latest war was here in the Balkans - in Kosovo, and we decided to give an example with our colleagues from Macedonia and what could not be achieved for decades we succeeded in signing the contract with our colleague Zoran Zaev.