
Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Macedonia agrees to change its name and end its 27-year beef with Greece

[GettyImages 914167058]Milos Bicanski/Getty Images * THE LEADERS OF MACEDONIA AND GREECE REACHED AN AGREEMENT ON TUESDAY TO END A 27-YEAR FEUD SURROUNDING THE BALKAN COUNTRY'S NAME.  * THE PRIME MINISTERS HAVE AGREED TO REFER TO MACEDONIA AS THE REPUBLIC OF NORTHERN MACEDONIA OR SEVERNA MAKEDONIJA, IN THE MACEDONIAN LANGUAGE.  * THE MOVE AIMS TO APPEASE GREECE, WHICH HAD OPPOSED THE REPUBLIC'S USE OF MACEDONIA, BECAUSE IT SEES IT AS AN IMPLICATION TO TERRITORIAL CLAIMS OVER GREECE'S NORTHERN REGION OF MACEDONIA. ------------------------- The leaders of Macedonia and Greece reached an agreement on Tuesday to end a 27-year feud surrounding the Balkan country's name.  The prime ministers Alexis Tsipras and Zoran Zaev have agreed to refer to Macedonia as the Republic of Northern Macedonia or Severna Makedonija, as it is written in the Macedonian language. The name-change is an effort to prevent territorial claims to Greece's northern region of Macedonia.SEE THE REST OF THE STORY AT BUSINESS INSIDERNOW WATCH: Why some countries are more corrupt than others SEE ALSO: * When the founders of dating app Coffee Meets Bagel turned down Mark Cuban's $30 million offer on 'Shark Tank' 3 years ago, they got dozens of emails calling them 'crazy,' 'greedy,' and 'stupid' — but they still aren't sorry * The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere just hit its highest level in 800,000 years, and scientists predict deadly consequences * How long it might take North Korean missiles and nuclear warheads to reach major US cities SEE ALSO: GREECE AND MACEDONIA ARE TRYING TO FIX A DECADES-OLD DISPUTE OVER THE NAME 'MACEDONIA'