
Monday, June 25, 2018

Eurogroup Statement on Greece of 22 June 2018

COMPLETION OF THE FOURTH AND FINAL REVIEW AND GROWTH STRATEGY The Eurogroup commends the Greek authorities for the completion of all the agreed prior actions of the final review of the ESM programme. We congratulate the Greek authorities and Greek people for the successful conclusion of the ESM programme. The Eurogroup acknowledges the significant efforts made by the Greek citizens over the last years. Greece is leaving the financial assistance programme with a stronger economy building on the fiscal and structural reforms implemented. It is important to continue these reforms, which provide the basis for a sustainable growth path with higher employment and job creation, which in turn is Greece's best guarantee for a prosperous future.  The Eurogroup welcomes the commitment of the Greek authorities to continue and complete all key reforms adopted under the ESM programme and to ensure that the objectives of the important reforms adopted are safeguarded. We also welcome the finalization of a comprehensive growth strategy by the Greek authorities. This strategy, which aims at enhancing Greece's long-term growth potential and improving the investment climate, underlines the Greek ownership of the reform process following the ESM programme. The Eurogroup further welcomes the signature of a 'Cooperation and Support Plan' between the Greek authorities and the European Commission's Structural Reform Support Services, which provides the continued provision of technical assistance to support reform implementation in the coming years.