
Friday, June 29, 2018

Barnier says 'huge and serious' gap remains between UK and EU demands on Brexit – Politics live

Agreement would bolster the bloc’s external borders and improve solidarity to ease pressure on nations like Greece and Italy. Follow the latest here 10.44am BST MANFRED WEBER, a key Angela Merkel ally in Brussels, who is the leader of the European parliament’s largest party, the European People’s party, welcomed last night’s agreement. In a statement he said: The EU summit took a big step towards a better migration policy. Europe stands for humanity towards people in need, determination in the protection of external borders and in the fight against illegal migration, as well as for solidarity with one another. It is good that the EPP’s demand for at least 10,000 Frontex officials has been taken on board. The EU is showing its ability to act. This path must now be pursued resolutely and swiftly by the new Austrian presidency. The policy of responsibility and reason prevails. 10.42am BST EMMANUEL MACRON, the French president, said as he arrived at the summit he was pleased with the outcome of the extended talks last night, and that the leaders had reinforced the principles of protecting Europe’s borders and solidarity. He said he had asked the European commission to flesh out the concept of the control centres. He went on: People thought it was totally impossible to deliver an agreement yesterday. We found an agreement. And we decided altogether to work for European cooperation and to have a cooperative approach. And I think that’s a very positive outcome. Second, we decided to have a holistic approach, speaking about third countries, external borders and internal channels. And I think that’s a second, very positive outcome. Continue reading...