
Friday, June 15, 2018

A few days after the US election, China's Xi Jinping gave an ominous warning to Obama - and to Trump

[obama trump]Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP * DONALD TRUMP'S ELECTION WAS GREETED WITH DISMAY AROUND THE WORLD, AND NUMEROUS LEADERS EXPRESSED CONCERN TO PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA. * DURING OBAMA'S LAST FOREIGN TRIP, CHINESE PRESIDENT XI JINPING WARNED ABOUT HOW THE WORLD WOULD VIEW "AN IMMATURE LEADER." * TRUMP HAS HAD ROCKY RELATIONS WITH CHINA, EVEN AS HE LAVISHES PRAISE ON XI. ------------------------- Days after Donald Trump won the 2016 US presidential election, Barack Obama left the country for his last trip abroad as president. The trip took him to Greece, Germany, and, finally, Peru, where he attended the 2016 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit. Throughout the trip, anxious world leaders greeted Obama, inquiring about the man who would soon occupy the Oval Office.SEE THE REST OF THE STORY AT BUSINESS INSIDERNOW WATCH: Why the North Korea summit mattered even if it was 'mostly a photo op' SEE ALSO: * Norway wants more US Marines and to station them closer to Russia, and Moscow is vowing to retaliate * Western intelligence is warning that Chinese influence in New Zealand is at a 'critical' level * Japan is quietly gaining an edge amid a growing competition between India and China SEE ALSO: COUNTRIES IN ASIA ARE LOOKING FOR WAYS TO COUNTER CHINA'S GROWING POWER — WITH AND WITHOUT THE US'S HELP