
Friday, May 11, 2018

The rise of middle-aged renters exposes empty Tory promises

Policies like right to buy have boosted housing insecurity, not reduced it. This dogma-driven absurdity can’t go on You can’t understand British politics without noting two facts: firstly, the worst squeeze in wages in the industrialised world other than Greece, and secondly, a housing crisis devouring the security of millions. We already know that home ownership has collapsed for young Britons: for 25- to 34-year-olds on middle incomes, the rate has plummeted from 65% to 27% in the space of two decades. With the ideologically driven failure to promote council housing, a generation has been pushed into an insecure, often rip-off private rented sector. But it’s no longer just the young condemned to housing insecurity: the number of 35- to 54-year-old private tenants has doubled in the space of a decade. Continue reading...