
Friday, May 11, 2018

Statement of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikos Kotzias, on arriving at the 2nd Ministerial Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Visegrad countries (Visegrad 4) and the Balkan EU member states (Balkan 4) (V4+B4plus) in Sounion (11 May 20

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikos Kotzias, made the following statement a short while ago, upon arrival to the 2nd V4+B4plus Ministerial Meeting in Sounion: “Good morning. We have the pleasure of having delegations from 15 states, whether members of the EU or candidates for membership, because the latter’s perspective is to become member states of the European Union. We, the four Balkan members of the European Union, made a decision with the Visegrad group to hold meetings on the Future of Europe, so that smaller and medium-sized states gain as much influence as possible on the debate taking place. We began with my proposal in Budapest –I made the suggestion then, too– and we continue today in Sounion. I believe it was a very good choice for us to come here, because foreigners find this location enchanting and this will contribute to the great success of tourism in Greece. We will talk again later, after my colleagues and I have had our discussions. I thank you all for coming, and I hope we have a nice day, though it is expected to rain this afternoon. Thank you and have a good day.”