
Friday, May 25, 2018

Experience: I found out that my aunt and uncle are my real parents

I felt shock at first. This woman suddenly wasn’t Mum any more. Then I felt deceived and angry I was 24 and had just finished my undergraduate degree when, out of the blue, my elderly Greek mother announced that she had something to tell me. “But you look busy, so I’ll tell you later…” I said, “Mum, if you’ve got something to say, tell me now.” She was nervous and asked me to sit down, but I refused. I thought she was going to tell me somebody was dying. Instead, she revealed that she was not my biological mother. Her brother, one of my many uncles, a man I’d never met, who lived in northern Greece, was my real father. I slumped against the wall in shock. By the end, I was splayed on the floor. Continue reading...