
Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Tensions in the EU rise as Brussels Plans to Shift Billions From Eastern Europe to Spain

Warsaw and Budapest are expected to lose out on massive amounts of cash as Brussels proposes to move tens of billions of euros in EU funding away from central and Eastern Europe to the countries worse hit by the financial crisis, such as Spain and Greece, writes THE DAILY EXPRESS. The aim of the plan is to support the less developed parts of the union as Brussels does not want to continue distributing cash just based on a country’s wealth or GDP (gross domestic product). Cash given to countries will depend on different criteria such as youth unemployment, education, the environment and innovation. Poland has warned that tough conditions for EU funding would cause “enormous problems”. The country received about ?77 billion (£67 billion) from the EU’s cohesion policy in the 2014-20 budget. The plan is part of the European Commission’s draft of 2021-27 EU budget, which will be announced in May.