
Thursday, April 5, 2018

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs T. Quick attends events marking the national anniversary of the Republic of Cyprus (Athens, 1 April 2018)

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Terens Quick, represented the government at the events held in Athens today marking the national anniversary of Cyprus: 1 April 1955, the historic day of the launching of the island’s Liberation Struggle.Mr. Quick attended the official Doxology, which was held at the Metropolitan Cathedral, and subsequently laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. After the events, Mr. Quick stated the following:“A few days ago, we celebrated 25 March and the launching of the Greek Revolution. Today we are celebrating the national anniversary of the Republic of Cyprus. Two landmark dates that prove that the soul and mind of Hellenism are intrinsically linked to Liberty. Unfortunately, the ‘golden-green leaf, cast upon the sea’ continues to undergo Turkish occupation. Greece will remain by Cyprus’ side steadfastly until the last Turkish invader leaves, until the anachronistic system of guarantees has been abolished, and until all of Cyprus can again experience the Liberty, Peace and Democracy it deserves as a member state of the European Union and the United Nations.I thank Ambassador Kyriakos Kenevezos, who, in the panegyric he read at the Metropolitan Cathedral, referred to the two Greek soldiers who are being held in prison in Edirne, hostages to the situations and the mindsets of the leadership in Ankara, which runs counter to their dreams, Turkey’s future European course.I hope the Virgin Mother works her miracle so that these two brave young men can spend Easter with their parents. Regarding the constant verbal challenges from Turkish officials, I refer you to the announcements of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and mainly the latest, which they would do well to read very closely. Every word is important.”