
Friday, March 9, 2018

You may be a genius if you can answer these 12 science trivia questions people always get wrong

[john tucker must die]Twentieth Century Fox * WHILE YOU MAY THINK OF YOURSELF AS A SCIENCE EXPERT, THE QUESTIONS BELOW WILL LIKELY HAVE YOU STUMPED. * MOST OF THESE ARE QUITE TRICKY, BUT SEE IF YOU CAN FIGURE OUT THE CORRECT ANSWER.  ------------------------- If you can answer 50 percent of these science trivia questions correctly, you may be a genius. WHAT WEIGHS MORE, A POUND OF GOLD OR A POUND OF FEATHERS? REUTERS/Ilya Naymushin You might think that this is a trick science trivia question. But, if you guessed that they weigh the same, you’re wrong. A pound of feathers weighs _more_. Why? Gold is weighed in the troy measurement system. Therefore, when you convert them both to a uniform system, a pound of gold weighs approximately 373.24 grams and a pound of feathers approximately 453.59 grams. Don't miss these history questions that people always get wrong. WHAT MOUNTAIN PEAK IS FARTHEST FROM THE CENTER OF THE EARTH? Kirsty barnby/Unsplash Many may think the answer to this science trivia question is Mount Everest. However, the peak of Chimborazo in Ecuador is the farthest from the center of the earth. Why? The earth actually bulges at the equator because it's constantly spinning. Since Chimborazo sits on top of the equator and right on this bulge, its peak is the furthest from the earth's core. Mount Everest is the tallest mountain if you measure it from base to peak, but its peak is not the furthest from the center of the earth. AT ONE TIME, DID PEOPLE BELIEVE THAT THE EARTH WAS FLAT? NASA Humans have known that the earth is round since the time of Ancient Greece. Many believe that it was in the early Middle Ages that some people said the world was flat. Here are some science "facts" that have been proven wrong. SEE THE REST OF THE STORY AT BUSINESS INSIDER SEE ALSO: * 15 pregnancy rules the royal family has to follow * Parents reveal the weirdest things they've caught their kids doing — and the stories are hilarious * 13 strange body facts you always wondered about but were too afraid to ask