
Thursday, March 8, 2018

International Women's Day 2018: protests across the world as women push for progress – live

In the year of #MeToo and Time’s Up, 8 March keeps the spotlight on women calling for change. Follow the day’s global action live * Tell us what you are doing on International Women’s Day * Theresa May: Our new domestic violence bill will outlaw economic and physical abuse * Sexist agendas are finally exposed on International Women’s Day 11.55am GMT Europe has worked hard to eradicate gender inequality – promoting gender mainstreaming in all EU policies and those of member states – but countries like Greece still have a long way to go, writes my colleague Helena Smith. Sixty six years may have elapsed since Greece got its first woman MP, but in terms of gender equality the country still lags at the bottom of league tables Europe wide. 11.46am GMT An International Women’s Day flag is flying over parliament for the first time on Thursday, as MPs and peers mark the day with a debate in both Houses of Parliament. Continue reading...