
Thursday, March 15, 2018

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Terens Quick attending the Conference in support of Lebanese Armed Forces and Security Forces, and the Extraordinary Ministerial Conference of UNRWA Donors (Rome, 15 March 2018)

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Terens Quick, is in Rome today participating in two multilateral ministerial meetings. The Deputy Minister will be attending the Conference in support of Lebanese Armed Forces and Security Forces, which is being convened within the framework of the International Support Group for Lebanon, under the chairmanship of Italy, Lebanon and the UN. Also scheduled to take place in Rome is an extraordinary Ministerial Conference of United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) Donors, on the initiative of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Jordan, Sweden and Egypt. Mr. Quick will take the opportunity of his visit to Rome to meet also with representatives of the Federation of Greek Communities and Brotherhoods of Italy.