
Monday, February 19, 2018

Roxane Gay on clothes in the workplace: 'I have never been good at dressing like a woman'

High heels, stockings and makeup – employers have long dictated the appearance of female employees. In an extract from a new book, the writer and commentator talks about finding comfort and confidence through her clothes A century of women at work – in pictures Regulating how women dress, both in and out of the workplace, is nothing new. In ancient Greece, an appointed group of magistrates, _gynaikonomoi_, or “controllers of women”, ensured that women dressed “appropriately” and managed how much they spent on their apparel. The strict – and mandatory – codes were designed to remind women of their place in Greek society. In the ensuing millennia, not much has changed. Throughout history, men have controlled women’s bodies and their clothing by way of social strictures and laws. Continue reading...