
Friday, January 26, 2018

Economic Update: Marxism's Contribution to Unique Social Analysis

This week's episode discusses New York City's suit against big oil and dumping $5 billion in fossil fuel investments, fast-rising US consumer debt, further attacks on labor and living standards in Greece, how the collapse of Carillion Corp exposes failure of privatization in UK, and how CVS's touch-ups of beauty images expose economics of advertising. Also included is an interview with Professor Bertell Ollman on Marx's distinctive contributions to analyzing capitalist society, past and present. * Download episode _To see more stories like this, visit Economic Update: Your Weekly Dose of Revolutionary Economics_ _To listen in live on Saturdays at noon, visit WBAI's Live Stream_ _Economic Update is in partnership with Truthout.org_ _Your radio station needs Economic Update! If you are a radio station, check this out. If you want to hear Economic Update on your favorite local station, send them this._ _Visit Professor Wolff's social movement project, _Permission to reprint Professor Wolff's writing and videos _is_ granted on an individual basis. Please contact to request permission. We reserve the right to refuse or rescind permission at any time._