
Saturday, January 6, 2018

6 myths about lifting weights that you need to stop believing

[Weight Gym Exercise]Maria Fernandez Gonzalez/Unsplash * STRENGTH TRAINING IS EFFECTIVE BECAUSE YOU CONTINUE TO BURN CALORIES EVEN AFTER THE WORKOUT IS OVER. * WEIGHT LIFTING WON'T MAKE YOU BULKY. * YOU DON'T HAVE TO SPEND HOURS THE GYM TO REAP THE BENEFITS OF LIFTING WEIGHTS. ------------------------- If you spend any time on social media, you're bound to come across some pretty far-fetched fitness myths this time of the year. After all, it is New Year's resolution season. Weight lifting is often the focus of many of these crazy claims. And whether you're new to exercise or a gym veteran, it's important to get your facts straight.  We talked to a few trainers who helped debunk some of the more common weight lifting myths out there. [Woman weight lifting bench]Shutterstock WOMEN WILL GET BIG AND BULKY IF THEY LIFT WEIGHTS. Can this myth please just go away and never return? You would be hard-pressed to find a fitness expert who believes this claim. In fact, all of the trainers we talked to gave this one a big thumbs down. Aaptiv trainer Jessica Muenster said that if you focus on strength training in a five to 12 rep range for three sets you're not going to get bulky. In fact, Aaptiv trainer Meghan Takacs recommends focusing on heavier lifts if you're looking for maximum calorie burn. "A lot of women like to lift light weights and go high rep because they feel like they get more out of it," Takacs said. "But the truth is that heavier lifts such as barbell movements (squats, deadlifts, lunges, bent-over row, etc), recruit more muscles and therefore burn calories," she said. STRENGTH TRAINING DOESN'T HELP YOU LOSE WEIGHT. If you spend more time on the treadmill than you do picking up a dumbbell, this one's for you. Strength training is a necessary component of any weight loss program — especially if you want to keep the pounds off. Sure, you can burn a decent amount of calories while you're slaving away on the cardio machines. But once you hop off, you don't continue to burn calories. When it comes to weightlifting, though, post-workout is where you reap many of the calorie burning benefits. Internationally renowned fitness expert, Brad Schoenfeld, Ph.D., writes on his website: "Not only is there a significant caloric cost associated with strength training (provided rest intervals are limited and sets are sufficiently challenging), but it also increases excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (i.e. the "after-burn") so that calorie burning continues for up to 38 hours or more after a workout." Katie Chung Hua, TEAM athlete, said if you reduce your resting time between sets and up your reps to break a sweat, you can burn fat just like cardio. Simply put, weight training keeps the burn going longer. [Woman using Machine at Gym]maxriesgo/Shutterstock MACHINES ARE BETTER THAN FREE WEIGHTS. Many people consider machines a quick and easy way to train specific parts of the body. However, a machine's biggest advantage is also its biggest disadvantage — it only allows you to work on one small part of your body at a time. "Machines are good in a sense of a fixed motion. They can help target the right exercise, but free weights help the body hit more muscles, which strengthens your body as a whole," Chung Hua said. In other words, don't rely on machines during your workout. Include exercises that use dumbbells and barbells in every workout. WEIGHTLIFTING WILL MAKE YOU IMBALANCED AND CAUSE BACK ISSUES. "Unless you"re carelessly throwing bars up or swinging from the weight machines, you will be ok," Nikki Walter, TEAM athlete said. Walter also said that working your muscles causes you to be more aware of muscle movement and flexibility. But in case you're worried about any issues, you can perform certain exercises to strengthen your lower or upper back and your core. Plus, there are plenty of ways to gain access to professionals who can teach you proper form and help you design a program. According to Walter, one of the best ways to get a balanced physique is to follow a plan or guided workout. [woman taking selfie in gym mirror]gpointstudio/Shutterstock YOU CAN ONLY GET A GOOD WORKOUT AT THE GYM. This myth prevents so many people — especially women — from lifting weights. You don't need to go to the gym every day in order to work out effectively with weights. Chung Hua said if you're just starting out, there are plenty of body weight exercises to do at home such as squats, lunges, push-ups, tricep dips, pull-ups, and more. And when you're ready to add some weight to those moves you can purchase a set or two of dumbbells for at-home sessions or head to the gym a few days a week. YOU HAVE TO TRAIN FOR HOURS TO REAP THE BENEFITS OF STRENGTH TRAINING. If you're spending hours at the gym, stop. Unless you're a bodybuilder or powerlifter, there's no need to do so (they don't even spend that much time there). The benefits of weight training come from being efficient. "Only be at the gym long enough to exhaust your muscles," said Chung Hua. "Sometimes the hardest leg days only last 30 minutes." NOW WATCH: How the ancient Greeks proved Earth was round over 2,000 years ago